Lesley - Slow walks up School Lane

Created by Nick 2 years ago

I have many fond memories of Sue: her generous hospitality at her beautiful home; walking our mad dogs together at Footscray Meadows; regularly tending the school garden; laughter at meals at The Lion with our mums from St Paul's...

My strongest memory at present is the courage with which she faced her final battle, together with Nick and Jamie.

But my favourite memory of Sue is as a friend with whom to stand alongside, waiting to collect our children from school and with whom to share the walk back up School Lane after drop off. Sometimes this journey would last quite a while, sharing both frustrations and encouragements. We had different views on numerous things but held a mutual respect and care for one another. 

Sue, I hadn't seen you for ages until just a few months ago. I so value that last meal the 5 of us had together. I miss you